Why Choose Us

Long hours

We are open longer to best accommodate your schedule and needs.


Everything is on one-level so you can access all our services with ease.

Dedicated and friendly staff

Our team of professionals do their best to provide for your health needs.

Direct billing for all insurances

If you have medical insurance coverage, we direct bill so you can save time and money

Physiotherapy Services

We Value Your Family's Health and Your Time

Massage Therapy

Traditionally massage is a method of manipulating the soft tissues within the body to produce improved blood flow, reduce tension and better and improve function.


Acupuncture in itself can be used for treating various muscles, joint aches and pains & in the treatment of headaches, sinus dryness or overly secreting sinuses.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractor is considered as one of the cheapest kinds of treatment as it provides adjustment to localized movement either in the spinal joint, arm or leg.

Our team of experts will be happy to help.