Custom Foot Orthotics

An orthotic is a semi-permanent support for the joint and unlike a brace is worn at all times when the body part is used. Foot Orthotics come in various designs. Most common are stuff that one can buy over the counter and these to help with supporting the heel and the foot to a degree. However, When the person has a more permanent issue of not only a flat foot but also work that taxes the foot area as the person has to stand for many long hours or to walk long distances then at this time custom foot orthotics are a good option and an adjunct to help bring pain relief and help support the foot joints.


Good physiotherapy and the use of shockwave therapy helps in reducing inflammation and helping improve the blood flow in the affected area. There are times when there is presence of a bone spur which cannot be treated by conservative means and so the custom foot orthotics are one that will assist in protecting the heel area and the sole of the person’s foot. For an insurance company, you need a physician or chiropractor script as well as how they are made and a biomechanical and gait analysis as well as receipt of having paid full amount to get reimbursed from insurance. Usual turnaround time is about 2 and half to three weeks. There is room for adaptation of your custom orthotic to the footwear you commonly wear.