Motor Vehicle Accidents

In the unfortunate event that you have been in a car accident, and you have had injuries on your body either in the neck, shoulder, back, legs, sometimes the knees, physiotherapy combined with massage and chiropractic treatments is a very effective way of assisting your recovery. Your recovery is determined by different factors. While it is important to know how many treatments you are eligible for post-accident and the type of injuries that you have in some cases you may need more than what is authorized initially and our team is able to help coordinate these additional treatments through your extended healthcare and the motor vehicle insurance companies.


A lot of questions exist about whether I am a WAD II or III and the ability to recover from these injuries. It is important to know how your body heals post-accident and to speak with your practitioner ie Physical Therapist or Chiropractor on what treatment is available, and how it will allow your body to facilitate the healing process. If there is a need for massage therapy or consult with any other health professionals as your medical doctor or registered dietitian- this can be advised. You, the client ALWAYS have the right to choose which clinic to go to and if you wish to speak to an accident injury lawyer if you feel you need more representation. Our clinic being very comprehensive in its services can help you with answering a lot of questions and also direct you to appropriate health professionals as needed and warranted by your condition. Each healthcare professional has their unique skill set and a lot of times a combined treatment is one that will yield you the best results in terms of recovery and getting back to things that are important to you in your day-to-day life.